The Adoration of the Woman
In Tantra it says: “all that can be seen with the eyes can therefore be defined, but not Her who is the mother. She is ineffable and inconceivable having a form she is nevertheless herself without form.”The man himself is a “fructification” of the woman, because every man (like every woman) was born in the body of a woman. She herself is the infinite creation which results from Her womb. The adoration of the woman represents a method of recognition of her true spiritual and creative power.
Look how Yoginihridaya Tantra eulogies and adores the one which conceives, creates and then nourishes the infinity of the worlds in manifestation: “Respect and adoration of the one who is The Being, The Conscience and The Absolute Happiness, like Infinite Power, which exists in the shape of Time and Space and everything which exists in them and which also represents the divine Light of all beings.”
In “Lakshmi Tantra” The Great Goddess herself says: “When the yogi meets a beautiful woman with a very harmonious body, first he has to see me, Lakshmi, in that woman. He has to consider the vital breath of the woman (prana) as being the sun, and her soul as being the Supreme Self. Her beauty and charm has to be seen like being the heavenly fire. The man has to always see the gifted woman as being one with me, The Great Goddess!” This type of visualization is extremely simple and generates spontaneously a remarkable spiritual atmosphere.
A tantric text tells the story about the wise Indian Vasistha, who visited the north of India, on the border with China, he was amazed when he found there Buddha, eating, drinking and flirting with many extremely attractive women. While Vasistha was asking himself how it was possible that an illuminated person, such as Buddha, could behave in such a manner, he heard a voice from the sky which told him: “This is a form of adoration accessible by the beings which venerate The Great Goddess. This form of tantric adoration implies the participants to swear an oath that they will never hurt and they will never threaten a woman.” Then Buddha himself called Vasistha and said to him: “The woman must be adored because all the deities have their halidom in her being!”
A commentary to “Chakrasamvara Tantra”, an old and very important tantric Buddhist work, explains explicitly and without reserve how the woman has to be adored:
“The passionate spiritual seeker, who is courageous and pure
Has to venerate the yoni of the female yogi, which has the perfect form of a lotus,
Has to venerate with mind and heart completely concentrated on her,
Aspiring full of love to satisfy her any desire.
Then he must unified with her, penetrating her full of passion,
So that their spiritual essence merges.
Uniting the most secret subtle channels,
Deep inside their beings,
The male and female yogi has to be perseverant in the art of love.
Choosing full of wisdom the five principal postures,
They have to savour the amorous pleasure like a king with his queen.
Merging their secretions in an inverse posture,
They will conquer the world and fulfil all their spiritual desires!”
Authentic Tantra represents a spiritual cult during which the state of exaltation of the woman occupies an extremely important position. Through this approach, the woman is truly empowered to manifest like a goddess, with a remarkable creative potential, capable to bestow grace. A look, a smile, a gesture, the state of playfulness, the complete satisfaction – these are only a few of the ways which the divine spirit of the inner woman, once awakened, can be used to initiate the man in the spiritual mysteries. When the goddess of the inner woman is one with her god, everything becomes possible.
The same principle is valid when the woman is viewed as a manifestation of the inner woman of the man (anima).When the fusion of these two aspects, masculine and feminine, takes place in the inner of a single human being, the androgynal state easily appears. So the adoration of the woman, when is correctly integrated, can be a way to access perfection.